Daily Paintings by Peggy Thatch Sibley---- I try to do a daily painting each day but occasionally miss that goal. I paint in oil, acrylic and watercolor so my paintings will vary in medium. I paint small and large. I paint landscapes, doing plein air when the weather cooperates, stilllifes, florals, people and pets, and most any subject that inspires me that day.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sycamores on the Pommedeterre River
This is another 5x7 study that I did yesterday afternoon after doing my 9x12, which I will photograph later. I painted this on one of the little Centurion linen canvas panels which I ordered from ASW and I love them!! They were inexpensive for linen so just ordered some small ones, now I shall order some larger ones. These acrylics are so fun! This is a scene which I photographed in the fall down along the river. Such a pretty area!
Gettin' to the Pasture
This scanned a little too dark but it is only another 5x7 and I am still playing with the Golden Open acrylics and I love them for these small studies. I am going to try to move up in size and see if I still like them as much. I did a 9x12 yesterday but it is too large for the scanner so will have to photograph it before I can blog it. They dry much slower than the regular acrylics but faster than oils. If you get a magnifying glass, you can see three white face Herford cows way over there in the pasture. This is a tree shaded area where we had to go through the puddles before going over the little ridge and down a slope to the pasture.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Bandstand in Spring #2
I did this one on a Masonite board that I had coated with gesso so it had a little more texture than the Gessoboard that I bought. The paint goes on so different than on the canvas ones. I just like it all. I guess I prefer the linen panels. I used to like the stretched canvas but am always afraid I will puncture the canvas while moving them around so much. This one is an 8x10. Maybe I'm moving up. I tried several different fraes on this and I had one wide off white with gold trim and it really was what it needed. I donated this one to my bank's Open House for a drawing. It is in our local park.
Bandstand in Spring 2011
I wonder sometimes if I couldn't paint these lake scenes and bandstands in my sleep as I do so many of them but there is always someone that wants a painting of the bandstand and also the little lake scenes. I love both places. I have posted so many of these that I won't tell much about it except it is in our park in the middle of town. We still have summer concerts. This is another 6x8, painted on a Pintura panel which has a canvas surface. Frames are hard to find for this size but I like to paint this size. Quick and easy. My daughter gave this one to her boss and his wife, Kevin & Brandi McCollough for Chrismas 2012.
This is one I just sort of made up. I start with photos that I take, then they evolve into something completely different. But at least, that is a starting place. I have had three different skies in this thing, finally decided to put the brushes down and leave it alone. I did not like it at all at first but when I set it in just the right frame, it comes to life. It is just 6x8, painted on a Pintura canvas panel. I must paint larger soon but these little ones are so fun and don't take much thinking, so I like. The snow is on right now so I can get more painting done.
Sunrise at the Lake in Pinks
I am having more fun this week with these little ones, getting used to working with my new Golden Open Acrylics. I am trying them on different surfaces. This is a 5x7 on Gessoboard. The surface is so smooth and I really fought getting the paint on but this is my second on and it came a lot easier. So I like!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
KIrk's ducks
I am re-blogging this one because the other one was crooked. I did that in photographing it. I am not the best photographer in the world, that is for sure. I matted this one in a tan matt with a dark gold liner, then a dark frame. Wow, was it pretty! He painted a little larger this time. This one is 11x15, matted to 16x20.
Fall on AA watercolor
FAll on AA
This is just a small 5x7 painted from a photo I took last fall down by the lake. It is an oil and I painted it before the last one posted because I had to wait for the oil to dry before putting it on the scanner. The Golden Open acrylic dried faster. I also did a couple of little watercolors of this same subject, which I often do, for little cards and gifts. I will blog them later today or tomorrow. I also did two small Open acrylics yesterday afternoon which I will blog. They are just small, quick little paintings that I do when I don't have a big block of time, which I don't seem to be able to make much anymore. My own fault, my energy runs out. So I have worked in oil, watercolor and acrylic all iin this one week. The snow is on.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pomme Hill 5x7 acrylic
This is a small 5x7 similar to a larger one I did earlier. I got me some new Golden Open Acrylics and am trying them out on some little ones. After painting in oil for so long, I really fought this one, but it was lots of fun. I think I am really going to like them. But I like all mediums. I go from watercolor to oil to acrylic, just back and forth, and an occasional pastel. Very occasional though. They dry much slower than my usual acrylics so are very different in handling. I did another one yesterday and another small lake scene today. I will blog them tomorrow probably as I will be housebound with the snow.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Another Referee Buddy
This is a characature of one of his referee buddies. I don't know if they are insulted or flattered with these quick little watercolor paintings of themselves. I think maybe Kirk should do one of himself. Wonder if he would make himself this goofy. I have blogged some of his other referee buddies before and I can't imagine guys that look this goofy taking the state awards like they did last year. They have got to have more on the ball than they look like. Agree?
This one was a challenge to get a correct colored matt. I finally chose an Oyster White, which leaned toward a golden white, then put a dark gold liner on it, which really made the feathers glisten on the turkey, then framed it in an oak frame. It really looked sharp. This one is acrylic also. He sometimes does watercolor and I want him to try oil but that will take some stern encouragement I am afraid. He thinks that medium would be too difficult to handle. Guess a lot of it is what one gets used to, and is comfortable with.
Here Come the Canadians
We see so many of these geese come into the fields around here as we live very close to a wildlife area where they plant crops for them. They frequent our pond areas and our crop areas also. They are such a beautiful graceful bird, but can be a nuisance also. Same size painting and frame. Also done in acrylic.
In for a Landing
Another one same size and matted to an 11x14 frame. He loves doing these wildlife paintings. Sometimes tries other things and I am wanting him to try a plein air workshop and try painting outdoors. Since he paints in acrylics, he thinks that would be quite difficult handling those paints outdoors. I have tried it and like it, although oil maybe is easier as for the difference in drying time.
One Lone Mallard
A Pair
Lone Mallard
I just had to share some more of my son's paintings. This one photographed a bit darker than the original. He paints quite small, usually an odd size, then I have to figure out how to frame them in standard size frames. But that is o.k., just sometimes a challenge. This is his usual, 71/2x10, matted to an 11x14. I just finished matting and framing about eight, some of which I have blogged before. It was fun, matching matts to paintings and frames.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Church Steeple #2
I did several of these, trying to get just the right one for my doctor who is retiring. This one was not picked by the office girls, who wanted me to do this as a gift to him. It is only a 5x7 matted to an 8x10. Again, trying to get a pretty sky and the steeple that he would view from his office in the evening. I think I did four of these. Already blogged the one they picked I think.
Dillon Lake
Hawaii study #1
This is a small 6x8 watercolor, matted to an 8x10. I did several of these after our trip to Hawaii in May 09. I was trying to get just the right sky for the painting I did for my granddaughter (who got married there) and I think I finally got it. I posted that painting some time ago. Just came across these little studies that I did and decided to matt them. I am sure some of the others who made the trip will want these. I must have done 4 or 5 of them. Such fun!!
Mountain scene
These sort of landscapes are not too familiar with me, being here in the heart of Missouri but I did this after taking a trip to Colorado or out west somewhere. It has been a few years so really don't remember just where. I have going through a lot of "stuff" in my studio and came across this so decided to scan it and save it on disk. Then decided to just blog it while I am messing around with it. It is an 8x10 oil.