Sunday, September 15, 2013

This is an 8x16 oil painted on a linen canvas board.  I painted it from a photograph that I took when we went to Maui in 2009 for my granddaughter's wedding.  We drove up the rough coastal area and it was magnificent.  I took lots of pictures.  I have painted this area twice before but in a different format.  The others were oil except about 11x14 and painted on gessoed  watercolor paper.  Just fun stuff, nothing serious.  We had such a wonderful time.  Everytime I paint it, I just sort of relive the wonderful week that we had.  My daugher, her husband, their son, husband's mother, and I went over with our granddaughter and her husband to be.  The wedding was on the sandy beach and it was just beautiful.  They decided to "be mauied" so away we all went.  What fun!!!!!
Better photo in a different light.  Oils are so difficult to photograph.  At least for me.

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