Sunday, December 8, 2013

This is the other painting that I did for my son and let him pick the one he liked the best.  This is also a 16x20 oil but left a little unfinished, with less detail and quite a bit of the red underpainting showing through in places.  Very little time in this one but sort of liked it and left is more unfinished.  I have such a hard time getting good photos of my oils.  This one looks so much brighter than the other painting but really isn't.  My watercolors are so much easier to photograph.  I seem to always get a glare on the oils.  I take them in the shade, and then the sun and there is so much difference.  This is also on a Fredrix linen canvas panel.  My son really liked the other one the best so that is the one he chose for his boss.  He has a wonderful boss.  But of course, my son is just pretty wonderful also so he gets to keep this one.

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